Go to the MoonBeam, Go to the Future

Mark Zilla
5 min readAug 4, 2021

Greetings to everyone who is interested in the world of crypto, new developments, and looking for new opportunities in this area. Among the many platforms on the crypto market, I especially want to mention the Moonbeam project. Why him? For it, hype is not aim, its goal is to help developers who create their projects on blockchains. So what is this platform? it is a blockchain that helps developers improve their systems. The Moonbeam platform extends Ethereum’s core feature set with additional features such as blockchain governance, staking, and cross-chain integration. It is also a parachain in the Polkadot network, integrated with the chains that are connected to Polkadot..

The features of Moonbeam include the following — the platform helps projects expand their functionality using multi-chain functionality. It can be consulted if it is not possible to use the blockchain for Ethereum, due to the fact that it has excessively high transaction fees.

Users get instant access to Polkadot’s assets, and other assets such as Bitcoin and Ethereum-based ERC-20. Developers do not need to deal with the transformation of their platforms, changing the configuration is minimal. This means that little time is spent on reconfiguration.

It is allowed to use Ethereum-based tools, the capabilities of infrastructure services such as Chainlink and Graph.

Why did the Moonbeam project become so popular among developers? It’s simple. The vast majority of them are not satisfied with the state of the Ethereum network, excessively high fees.

They are looking for opportunities to cut costs on their projects, and at the same time not completely change them, because it is expensive. Therefore, for them, Moonbeam is the most promising tool. It allows you to preserve the original architecture, and at the same time use the tools of Moonbeam. Is it possible to make money on it? It should be said here that it was not created for the hype, so it is hardly suitable for speculators of the crypto market. It aims to help developers. And if they use its capabilities for their projects, they will be more perfect. This means that they will increase their competitiveness, attract more investments, and increase the community. In this regard, Moonbeam offers a broad perspective.

What else does Moonbeam offer?

Moonbeam provides full Ethereum compatibility in the Polkadot parachain environment. Developers can continue to use the programming languages ​​and tools they are used to, but within a fast-growing and scalable Tier 1 blockchain. It is compatible with the Substrate and Polkadot ecosystem, including block explorers, wallets, parachains. This allows users to choose the tools and services they need to work with.

Moonbeam minimizes the changes required to run Solidity smart contracts on the network. Users can use accounts like Ethereum to interact with Moonbeam, connect tools like MetaMask, Hardhat, Remix and Truffle. If the user already has a smart contract, then, using the capabilities of Moonbeam, he can immediately include it in the network. No need to rewrite and reconfigure.

The system has a service token — Glimmer. It is central to the architecture of the network. The normal functioning of the system is impossible without it, since the token performs utilitarian functions.

Glimmer is used to pay for the execution of smart contracts, playing the same role as ETH on the Ethereum network. All transaction fees are paid using Glimmer. He also promotes intranet management mechanisms, helps to conduct elections of council leaders, voting, and referendums on the Network.

Will Moonbeam have competitors? While such are unknown to me. Although it is likely that sooner or later no less functional platforms will be released on the crypto market. However, the team is not going to wait for them. As indicated in the roadmap, it is planned to launch Moonbeam entirely on Polkadot MainNet next year and expand the functionality of the network.

Who needs MoonBeam and why?

The project can be safely advised to teams and developers who want to develop their projects, or want to integrate them with the platform. It is also worth working with him for those who want to become an exclusive partner, and get all its benefits. It is also beneficial to work with him for those who are engaged in the supply of tools for companies working in the blockchain field, and create the infrastructure of smart contracts.

It is also necessary to answer the question, how safe is the platform? For those who improve their projects, develop smart contracts, it is extremely important that there are no software errors. Of course, they don’t want to waste time on security checks at all. Knowing this, the team took all measures to prevent the emergence of gaps in the architecture. They constantly audit the platform, promptly eliminate errors. Since the project is developing all the time, and new functions are connected to it, you have to regularly check the system.

In this way, those who interact with Moonbeam can be confident that everything is in order with safety.

What can you say in the end about Moonbeam?

I believe that the activities of such a project will help improve not only blockchains, but also simplify the introduction of the crypto world into the traditional economy.

Indeed, until now, most blockchain projects are still poorly integrated into the world we are used to. And I want to note about one more feature of the platform — the volatility of the crypto market is not afraid of it. This means you can cooperate with Moonbeam without fear that investments in it will be depreciated.

And if you yourself are a developer of a smart contract and a blockchain project, integrate into the project as soon as possible. Make the most of the functionality and expand the capabilities of your own platforms.



Mark Zilla

Crypto-enthusiast, You-Nube blogger, social media commentator, node-runner, and crypto fan.